HCL Domino Volt 1.0.4

Nová verze HCL Domino Volt s označením 1.0.4 je k dispozici. To, jaké novinky a oprava přináší se můžete podívat níže v tomto článku nebo na oficiálním stránkách přes odkazy níže.

Novinky verze 1.0.4

  • A Data Grid widget has been added to the control palette for forms and app pages. DataGrid is a new way to display data from another form in the same application. 
  • A Rich Text entry field is added.Using the Rich Text entry, you can add Rich Text anywhere in your form or app page.
  • Domino Data as a service: read Domino rich text fields.
  • Added Service Timing.Service Timing indicates whether a service on an activity should run before or after submitting the document.

Odkaz na oficiální dokumentaci What’s new in 1.0.4

Přehled oprav ve verzi 1.0.4

Odkaz na oficiální dokument HCL Domino Volt fixes by release

Problem # Abstract
317  When you have a rule based on a choice (Select One, Select Many, Drop Down, Survey, Choice Slider), the rule will break when the option changes.
1902 You cannot use multiple services to assign users or groups to the same dynamic role in one action.
1948 The sortable property is not always set when loading a saved application.
1957 Name picker values that contain certain characters, such as an apostrophe, are not always formatted properly on the View Data page.
1735 Exporting an application does not respect the maximumRecordsToRetrieve configuration property.
1856 When an application deployment fails because the locked for compile/deploy flag is set, a message indicating the problem should be given.
1971 The output tab of the Assign Users service definition is disabled when loaded from saved design.
1546 Under rare conditions, changing the title of a field can hang the browser.
2100 Error in Link Catalog when deploying an application with non-Link services.
 1996 Incorrect indentation and wrapping in Outline view for long form and app page names.
1630 Exporting an app that hasn’t been deployed has out of sync data.
1966 Assign User and Assign Group in two different activities on the same submit fails.
2144 Spelling error in Validation Error description.
2093 In some situations, field IDs can be duplicated, with some related UI problems.
1781 Changing a form or app page ID breaks navigation properties that reference it within the application.
2141 Error icons not displaying for app pages on the Events tab.
2155 If a first author previews before saving the application, a second author cannot save the application.
2147 Attachments with unusual characters in their names can fail to upload properly.
1953 Domino Data as a Service delete document message should not reference the form.
1915 The Domino Data as a Service Find By Key operation returns no values if the provided Key is empty.
2118 Control+space functions in auto-complete of the global events tab do not always work.
2209 The landing URL for an individual record may fail when the application has open roles.
2212 App can fail to deploy if add 2nd form with numeric field after adding an app page.
2193 Link Integration: Volt 1.0.3 requires a lot of configuration to work with the newest version of Link.
2173 The charts landing URL for an iframe redirects to http instead of https.
836 Different column than the user is resizing is resized on the View Data page in certain situations.
1775 The app.getCurrentUserEmail function does not return the user’s email.
1273 Generation of PDF attachment doesn’t work during stage transition.

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